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Wednesday, November 15, 2006


The debate on the location of Adult Neurosurgery took place yesterday and there were 22 votes across party in favour of locating the new merged unit in Morriston Hospital. Although the motion and the amendment to throw out the Health Commission Wales recommendations were rejected the strength of feeling in South West Wales was made very clear.

The Health Minister has asked HCW to revisit the proposals to take account of additional issues but there is still a long way to go if we are to win this battle. There is a view that Cardiff has been acting as a huge black hole on the south east corner of Wales sucking in services and resources for too long. Occasionally, a morsel escapes the gravitational pull and settles elsewhere in Wales but such incidents are all too infrequent. It would be nice if the final decision on adult neurosurgery was one of those which settled outside of the Cardiff area of influence.
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