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Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Bourne Sanction (or the afternoon of the long knives)

As I left the Assembly at 3pm this afternoon rumours were flying around of blood being shed in the Tory Party offices. A reshuffle was under way and a number of Conservative AMs were observed looking grim faced and visibly upset.

Talk is that Jonathan Morgan was offered Education, refused and now has no front bench position at all. Will he still remain as Chair of the Health, Wellbeing and Local Government Committee?

Former fuel protester Brynle Willians is alleged to have been given transport. I suppose that means he will have to learn that the job is about keeping things moving, not bringing the country to a halt.

Talk is that the men to watch are Andrew R.T. Davies and Darren Millar. Has Nick Bourne taken his revenge for the months of anguish his group have visited upon him? According to Betsan Powys we need to wait until tomorrow morning before we have the full details.

Update: Brynle Williams gets to keep Rural Affairs after all. Meanwhile, Freedom Central has an interesting take on why Jonathan Morgan lost his health job.
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